Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Blowing well

 Blowing well 


When I have a golf club in my hand, I feel like I want to hit the cover on the ball. I feel good about putting all my energy into hitting the ball. Hitting the ball as hard as possible does not mean I am playing golf well. 


If you want to relieve stress, then swinging with all your might can achieve your goal. However, if you want to play golf well, then you have to limit the power. 


One of the most common mistakes is swinging the golf ball too hard. A strong swing shows you can, but precision is the name of the game in golf. 


You should rest when you fly. This will help you move faster and help reduce your energy. If you keep your feet closer together, you can reduce the power of your swing. Confusion will also make you use more effort. 


Your center of gravity is also very important. Keep your midst of your gravity and your head will last. If you drop your two steps in one of your circumstances, you will be stable. If you shake your body, your head will move and you won't be able to focus on the ball. It can also change your center of gravity. It is important that you plant your feet so that all of your weight is concentrated on your feet when you touch the ball. 


Spending less effort should be your goal. If you hit the ball well, it will be soft and easy. 


Don't lose focus when trying to make contact with the ball. If you shake, your balance will shake. You want the club head to go in a straight line to make contact with the ball. To help you decide, see where to hit the ball with the club and how far you can send the ball. If you throw the ball over the border, it flies in the air and can go left or right on the hard surface. You want to use only as much energy as you can control. The game is not power, but precision. You want to be able to control all aspects of your swing in order to hit the ball well and have it go where you want it to go. 


The distance will come from your pure and right touch, not from the power you put into it. You want to try to gradually increase your speed during your swing until you connect with the ball. If you don't have a smooth swing, you are dragging your hands somewhere during the swing. Place your head as if you have a glass of water balanced on it. This will help you improve your swing and help you fly smoother in the water. Fly at a comfortable enough speed to avoid discomfort and stiffness. Don't swing so slowly or so hard that you feel the effort of the swing. Stay calm. 


Try to get the idea of ​​power out of your head. Keeping your energy levels right is important!

Questions and Answers about breastfeeding

  Questions and Answers about breastfeeding 



Questions. How often should a newborn be breastfed? A. You should breastfeed your newborn at least 8 times a day, depending on how long they sleep between meals. If he can go four hours between feedings, you should feed him twice between 11 am and 7 am. If you feed him shortly before bedtime, you will probably only get up once during the night. Questions. How often should an older baby be breastfed? A. Depending on your baby's age, you should feed him every 3-4 hours during the day. As your baby grows, he breastfeeds less, but eats more at each feeding. If you are going to breastfeed after your baby is over six months old, you should not breastfeed less than five times a day. If your milk supply is low, you can add a meal or two to your day to help increase your milk supply.


Q How do I stop breastfeeding as my baby grows?


A. The biggest change that moms make is going from feeding every 3 hours to every 4 hours, throwing up in the middle of the night, or throwing up in the middle of the night. 


Often, you will know when your child is ready to change his eating habits by changing his sleeping habits. A baby who follows the 3-hour schedule takes 3 naps a day and if he feeds every 3.5 to 4 hours he may skip the last nap or shorten one of the other naps. very much. Babies are ready to do this when they are three months old. Most babies give up midnight feedings on their own around 6 to 14 weeks. You'll know they're ready when you wake up in the morning wondering why your baby hasn't fed you. right. The baby will need more food during the day, and if you breastfeed you may be satisfied for a few days, but it's worth it! 


Eating dinner is often the hardest thing to stop. Some parents think that if they don't feed the baby before going to bed, the baby will wake up in the middle of the night. If you think that your child can not eat dinner, cut it in 15 minutes until you feed him at the time you want. If the last two meals of the day seem close, don't worry. Everything will work itself out and you will be much happier!

More tips for parents

 More tips for parents 



* Diapers: Most babies who give PDF often need a diaper change at every feeding. This means that your baby will need about 6-8 diapers a day or more. Many new parents make the diaper change from the bowel after dinner, but if you miss it, you will only have a small diaper to change during the day. 


* Diaper Rash: Sensitive skin is a common problem in some babies and they can get diaper rash due to food allergies, yeast infection, sitting for a long time with wet or dirty diapers or teeth. . If you notice that your baby is starting to have diaper rash, ask your pediatrician which diaper rash medicine would be best for your baby. 


* Growth spurts: Growth spurts can start as early as 10 days after your baby is born. Growth spurts often lead to sleepy days, fatigue and a huge increase in appetite. Growth can resume at 3, 6, and 12 weeks and again at 4 and 6 months. If you start to notice that your child isn't as happy as the money you gave them before, they may be growing up. If you are breastfeeding, you can add a snack or two to satisfy your baby's appetite and help increase milk supply. * Vaccinations: With all the conflicting stories about vaccines, you may not know whether you want your child to get vaccinated or not. I think there are too many deadly diseases that can be prevented by vaccinating your child to reduce the risk. If you're not sure, talk to your pediatrician, but understand that the reason the infant mortality rate is so low in this country is because regular vaccinations. 


* Shields and thumbs: If you are breastfeeding, don't let your baby use you as a shield. If your baby seems to be breastfeeding more than eating, you should give him a blanket. There is no "breast confusion" between the nipple and the teat because they are very different in feel and taste. Babies will know the difference between the two. Some children do not need masks and suck their fingers. If you don't have a problem with that, leave them. 



* Spitting: It is common for children to spit up, but some children do it more than others. If your baby is growing well, you don't have to worry about it. Throwing a marker is not the same. Aggressive vomiting is a violent reaction to throwing up the contents of the stomach and not just "churning" milk. If your child does this frequently, see your child's doctor.

Learn About Cashback Credit Cards: Good or Bad Idea?

 Learn About Cashback Credit Cards: Good or Bad Idea?


Getting a credit card that offers cash back sounds like a good idea. What's better than getting cash back on everything you buy with your credit card? It sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Well, there are cards that give you free cash back, but it's usually only 1% cash back. However, free money is free money, right? Well, sometimes. 


If you like to make a lot of purchases in a month, this type of credit card may be right for you. However, you should keep in mind that they will not give you a refund on any purchase. Although they claim to give you cash back on every purchase, they will only give you a small amount per transaction. The company also has a strict limit on the amount it can pay its customers. If you read the fine print on the form you signed, you'll find paragraphs with their limitations on terms and conditions. This is another way of trying to attract new customers for these businesses. It's a great credit card to have and sounds great in theory, but they will check your credit score before they give you their card. Research different credit card companies to see what they offer. You may be surprised to find a cash back credit card that gives you exactly what you want and need with high cash back percentages, low cash back and instant deposits when you make purchases with their card. anything. . While these credit cards seem like a great deal, some companies will also require your credit score to be great. However, there are credit card companies that offer these cards to people with poor credit to help them rebuild their credit. Check all your options. 


What should be your decision? If you have a good credit rating, this card is a good option for you. Check different card companies - there are cards that give you up to 3% cash back and have few limits. However, if you have bad credit, you can find a credit card that will help you rebuild your credit.