Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Blowing well

 Blowing well 


When I have a golf club in my hand, I feel like I want to hit the cover on the ball. I feel good about putting all my energy into hitting the ball. Hitting the ball as hard as possible does not mean I am playing golf well. 


If you want to relieve stress, then swinging with all your might can achieve your goal. However, if you want to play golf well, then you have to limit the power. 


One of the most common mistakes is swinging the golf ball too hard. A strong swing shows you can, but precision is the name of the game in golf. 


You should rest when you fly. This will help you move faster and help reduce your energy. If you keep your feet closer together, you can reduce the power of your swing. Confusion will also make you use more effort. 


Your center of gravity is also very important. Keep your midst of your gravity and your head will last. If you drop your two steps in one of your circumstances, you will be stable. If you shake your body, your head will move and you won't be able to focus on the ball. It can also change your center of gravity. It is important that you plant your feet so that all of your weight is concentrated on your feet when you touch the ball. 


Spending less effort should be your goal. If you hit the ball well, it will be soft and easy. 


Don't lose focus when trying to make contact with the ball. If you shake, your balance will shake. You want the club head to go in a straight line to make contact with the ball. To help you decide, see where to hit the ball with the club and how far you can send the ball. If you throw the ball over the border, it flies in the air and can go left or right on the hard surface. You want to use only as much energy as you can control. The game is not power, but precision. You want to be able to control all aspects of your swing in order to hit the ball well and have it go where you want it to go. 


The distance will come from your pure and right touch, not from the power you put into it. You want to try to gradually increase your speed during your swing until you connect with the ball. If you don't have a smooth swing, you are dragging your hands somewhere during the swing. Place your head as if you have a glass of water balanced on it. This will help you improve your swing and help you fly smoother in the water. Fly at a comfortable enough speed to avoid discomfort and stiffness. Don't swing so slowly or so hard that you feel the effort of the swing. Stay calm. 


Try to get the idea of ​​power out of your head. Keeping your energy levels right is important!


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